Sustainable development

The sustainable development agenda is integrated into the Rosatom State Corporation Strategy for the period up to 2030. Support for the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals is explicitly enshrined in the strategy as one of the most important conditions for the Corporation's work.


Since 2020, Rosatom State Corporation has been a member of the UN Global Compact
In its activities, Rosatom is committed to global priorities in the field of sustainable development and adheres to 10 principles of sustainable development in the field of human rights, labor relations, the environment and the fight against corruption. Rosatom State Corporation influences the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through the implementation of its product line and financial and economic results of its activities, as well as ensuring the sustainability of internal processes in the area of ​​environmental impact, social sphere and quality of the management system.

Impact of the scientific division on the goals of sustainable development
  1. Decent work and economic growth:
    • the number of jobs in the division's organizations in 2022 exceeded 9.6 thousand, by 2030 it is planned to create one thousand new jobs (+ 10%)
    • the average salary of employees in 2022 was 105.3 thousand rubles, by 2030 it is planned at the level of 160.4 thousand (+ 52%)
  2. Affordable and clean energy: conducting reactor and post-reactor studies for nuclear energy development projects, ensuring technological leadership in the field of nuclear reactors and fast neutron technologies
  3. Good health and well-being:
    • social activities are carried out to preserve the health of workers, including voluntary health insurance programs, accident and illness insurance, medical examinations, and paid medical examination days
    • contribution to the development of nuclear medicine: development of production technologies and production of medical isotopes, supply of medical isotopes to more than 55 countries worldwide
  4. Industrialization, innovation and infrastructure: development of fundamental and applied science, new business areas and projects in the social sphere. Projects in the field of research reactors (MBIR, ITER), thermonuclear fusion, laser technologies, materials science and others.

ESG aspects of the division's activities

The activities of the scientific division meet the objectives of long-term and sustainable development in the following areas:


*SD — sustainable development, Stakeholders sides


Social aspect

With the absolute growth in the number of personnel, the number of women in the organizations of the scientific division does not decrease. The share of women over the past three years has decreased by less than 1%. At the same time, this indicator generally exceeds the indicators in the industry and in the world. According to UNESCO, the share of women in world science is about 30%, in the nuclear industry - only 22%, according to IAEA estimates.

  • 34.6% - the share of women among employees (according to 2022 data)

The average salary of employees of the scientific division exceeds the level of wages in organizations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where the organizations of the division are located.

Work with young people is given special attention in the division, therefore the growth dynamics of the share of young people up to 35 years of age (inclusive) in the division’s organizations is one of the key social aspects.

  • 25.2% - the share of young specialists under 35 years old (2022 data)
  • 25.5% - the share of young researchers under 35 years old (2022 data)
  • 90 - university graduates were employed in 2022 at the division's institutes
  • 871 - students completed internships in scientific division organizations
Code of Ethics

The Unified Industry Code of Ethics and Official Conduct, approved by the Director General of the Rosatom State Corporation, defines the ethical principles that the Corporation's employees are guided by in their activities. The Code is a document that conveys the values ​​of Rosatom and defines the ethical principles of employee behavior based on them when interacting with a wide range of external and internal stakeholders. The rules of conduct contained in the Code concern combating corruption, ensuring the safety of resources, property and information, labor and environmental protection, industrial safety, preventing conflict situations and resolving conflicts of interest.

The Code of Ethics is intended to help prevent risks that may arise in connection with the violation of legislation and ethical principles of conduct adopted by the State Corporation Rosatom, to strengthen the business reputation of Rosatom, and to introduce a system of corporate values ​​in the nuclear industry.

For the effective application of the Code, the Committee on Ethics and Human Rights of the State Corporation Rosatom was created, the main task of which is to assist employees in resolving situations related to the provisions of the Code of Ethics. In addition, the Committee ensures compliance with the industry policy on human rights and the protection of employees in the event of its violation. An employee can report a violation of rights and interests by e-mail or send a letter to the address 119017, Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka St., Bldg. 24, indicating the addressee as "Committee on Ethics and Human Rights".

The Ethics Council of JSC Science and Innovation operates on the principles and rules of the Unified Industry Code of Ethics and Official Conduct, the Chairman of the Council is the First Deputy General Director of JSC Science and Innovation Dub A.V., the Secretary is the Head of the Department of the Project Office for Organizational Development and Social Programs of the HR Department Kuznetsova S.V.

Employees of JSC Science and Innovation may seek clarification of the provisions of the Code of Ethics, ask questions regarding the industry policy on human rights, report violations by writing to the Secretary of the Council by email