Electrophysical block

  • Implementation of programs of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Rosatom State Corporation in the field of plasma, laser and beam technologies
  • Development and creation of modern diagnostic and therapeutic equipment for nuclear medicine
  • Development and creation of production of high-temperature superconductors (HTSC-2) and devices based on them
  • Conducting R&D in the field of radiation resistance of electronic products and radio-electronic equipment
  • Development and production of high-tech equipment in the field of detection and control of radioactive and explosive materials.

State Scientific Center - Scientific Research Institute of Atomic

Key directions

  • Физика, техника, облучательные технологии и безопасность реакторов
  • Реакторное материаловедение и методики испытаний материалов и элементов ядерных энергетических установок
  • Радиохимия и топливные циклы ядерной энергетики
  • Радионуклидные источники и препараты
  • Обращение с отработавшим ядерным топливом и радиоактивными отходами

Institute Contacts


115035, Moscow, Kadashevskaya embankment, building 32/2, building 1

Institute Services