01/14/2025 Rosatom developed a pilot technology to produce fuel for a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor #Ученые Росатома #Росатом Наука #НИИ НПО "ЛУЧ" #ВТГР
01/09/2025 JSC «SSC RIAR» summed up the results of New Year's campaign for the families of the SMO participants and children with disabilities
12/27/2024 A new import-substituted radiopharmaceutical, Rakurs (223Ra), has been registered based on radium-223 produced by Rosatom #ГНЦ НИИАР #Росатом Наука #ядерная медицина #радиофармпрепарат
12/24/2024 Rosatom scientists have mastered the technology of manufacturing terbium-161 medical isotope #Росатом Наука #изотоп #ИРМ #Научный дивизион Росатома #научный дивизион
12/24/2024 Rosatom scientists completed the first stage of of a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor fuel testing #Росатом Наука #водородная энергетика #ВТГР #топливо
12/23/2024 Rosatom has started a key installation operation in 2024 at the MBIR research reactor #КП РТТН #Росатом Наука #МБИР #ГНЦ НИИАР #Димитровград
12/23/2024 A street art object dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the world's first nuclear power plant was opened in Obninsk #ГНЦ РФ ФЭИ #Росатом Наука #70-летие Первой в мире АЭС #Обнинск
12/23/2024 Rosatom completes tests of muon tomograph for geological exploration of solid minerals #Росатом Наука #мюонный томограф #наука #геологоразведка #полезные ископаемые
12/19/2024 Rosatom technologies help in the fight against yellow-boredom mosquitoes in Latin America #ядерная медицина #НИИТФА #Росатом Наука #Боливия #международное сотрудничество